Sketchup for web
Sketchup for web

sketchup for web

The drawing area is where you create your model.

sketchup for web

See Learning how to use SketchUp tools for details.

sketchup for web

As you continue learning how to create 3D models in SketchUp, the Instructor can teach you (or remind you) how to use each tool. Tip: This article introduces you to a few basic tools. (Learn more about the toolbars and how to customize them in the Customizing SketchUp section of the Help Center.) In macOS, you can display tool palettes by selecting View > Tool Palettes. In the Toolbars dialog box that opens, select the toolbars you want to see and click Close. To display additional toolbars, select View > Toolbars. It contains the basic tools you need to begin creating 3D models. When you begin using SketchUp, the Getting Started toolbar is the one you see by default. The menus are: SketchUp (Mac only), File, Edit, View, Camera, Draw, Tools, Window, and Help. The majority of SketchUp tools, commands, and settings are available within the menus on the menu bar. When you start SketchUp, the name of the currently open file is Untitled, indicating that you have not yet saved your work. The title bar contains the standard window controls (close, minimize, and maximize) and the name of the currently open file. When SketchUp opens, ready for you to start creating a 3D model, you see a screen that includes the following:

sketchup for web

After you become comfortable creating 3D models in SketchUp, you can create a custom template that reflects your preferences. On the menu bar, simply select Help > Welcome to SketchUp. When Trimble acquired SketchUp, it forked the product into several tiers, keeping the free desktop version around as “SketchUp Make.Tip: While you’re working in SketchUp, you can access the Welcome to SketchUp window anytime. The SketchUp web app is decent and might be good enough for many people, but for a long time, the desktop version was completely free, too. If you want the latest full desktop app, you’re looking at $300 a year for personal use. At the time of this writing, the only modern free version of SketchUp is a web app. SketchUp has changed hands a few times over the years, once having been owned by Google, and currently owned by a company called Trimble. Trimble even warns it might have security problems as it hasn’t been updated since 2017. However, as of May 2022, the official SketchUp website is no longer offering the free version (SketchUp Make 2017) for download. Update, 5/23/22: This worked when we published it in 2021. Or does it? You can still download a free desktop version if you know where to look. Originally released as free open-source software, the popular 3D-modeling program SketchUp now comes with a premium price tag.

Sketchup for web